How to take your supplements in a way that offers maximum effectiveness is a common question that most users want to know. The facts is, there are more than 1 regimen and protocol that are effective. The most important factors in getting maximum results consists of: 1) Consistency: These products need to be taken daily at the same time every day. The dosage can change daily (like taking 1/2 doses on yur off days), but they need to be taken at the same time. These are not the type of products that you take for 3 days and say "oh, I don't feel any different".These products promote physical changes in 100% of users, so if taken correctly, and consistently, they produce results. 2) Training frequency: Train short,heavy and hard. Make sure you have a legitimate workout program. Showing up at they gym without a plan of increasing weight and reps is not going to maximize your results. With the right training plan and use of our supplements we've gotten common feedback of: 1 rep bench presses increase by 50-100bs in only 30 days, abs coming in as quick as 3 weeks and it's even common to put an inch or 2 on your armns in just a month or 2. 3) Diet: All of the supplements need to be taken with a full glass of water. To keep your system clean, it's advised to increase water intake as much as possible while taking these supplements. If you can drink a gallon of water throughout the day during heavy training sessions, you're on the right track. Some of the supplements like Dianibol,Androll,Deccabolan,Dianadrol and Andro-Tren will drastically increase your appetite within days of using. Make sure to eat lots of meats,milk and carbs in order to feed your bodies new demands. This is when the growth starts!

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